Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blame Who?

I'm slowly beginning to understand why we, in Singapore are becoming idiots, ignorant and clueless about what's good or not, what's real or rumour, or even, what's quality and insanity. IQ levels are slowly dropping, intelligence is a joke and 'crappy-shit' is the new cool.

Why would a country who is becoming a leading techno-hub, edu-hub, and all the rubba-hub-hub...... have TV shows like S-Factor? I would like to mention few others but lets just minimize the insults. Is it really necessary to capitalize on breasts, boobs and ugly tatoos? Are the TV stations selling it to men ONLY? and......lesbos? If men starts disrespecting women by ogling, caressing, molesting, invading modesty....... do you remember who ignited it in the first place? Is this suppose to help with the government's exercise to promote and improve love, sex and familyhood .......... or pervertism? Do they know that making-out is far better than watching those girls play with snakes and mud and cream puffs. At least, making out will take longer than the whole TV show.

There would many who beg to differ with my opinions (whateva la.....). Citing other TV shows as an excuse... e.g. Live & Loaded. Personally, I think it is commendable that they are giving opportunities and path to local talents. But again, if you go all the trouble to listen, evaluate and anticipate these bands, why can't they do a lil' more........ more money and attention to these bands. For one, the recording sound SUCKs. Of course its 'live'....... but shouldn't they put a REAL sound engineer for these guys. Those who have played in the studio in Mediacorp would know. They have an auntie as the monitor engineer (sound). I mean a REAL auntie!! If you're really supporting the local talents, do it whole-heartedly. Oh! and btw, have they actually seen or been in a mosh-pit, or how body-surf is done?

Recently, I went to an anniversary event of a radio station. It use to be my fav station where I actually took some trouble to contribute. Unfortunately, it changed its focus and vision to fit somebody's pocket. One thing I couldn't understand is, what does stand-up comic got to do with real-good music. It must have been a joke which I didn't understand.

Apart from that anniversary event, which was attended by free-loaders, who were fighting over free french-fries and sotong balls, there was another event which I attended, which confuses me. This time, it was a fashion event.

It was actually a welfare event for the designer who just graduated. Someone was kind enough to look for sponsors, provide venue and spent money to provide avenues for the designer-hopeful. That was very noble but what confuses me was ........

1. The designs were for club-goers. Unfortunately, it looks like costumes for Halloween, or something from the wardrobe of the Addams Family. However, the talents who were modelling the designs did a great job at showing how 'versatile' the costumes were. It showed that a girl can do splits, walk like an Egyptian and tip-toe, in case they're partying in a club with those outfit. Maybe, it is suitable for club-wear during Halloween week. I'm confused.

2. Throughout the event, they had only music from Britney Spears. According to the designer, he/she gets inspiration from Britney Spears. Ok listen up, mitch! I didn't see any Britney in the designs, coz she don't wear Halloween costumes to go clubbing.... not even on Halloween. Another thing is...... how can anyone take you seriously if you're playing Britney Spears throughout the event. Look up in the internet...... do you know what genre of music is Britney Spears?? No, its not POP......... its called 'bubblegum music'. How is anyone gonna take you seriously??!!

I was told that a respected local DJ came to lend a helping hand and wanted to play for the event. Not for the designer but for the venue. He was shrugged off because the designer told him that "ITS A REAL FASHION SHOW!" (Less did they know that he DJ played at GUCCI fashion show in 1999, LV fashion show in India 2007 and Mercedez fashion week 2007)

More confusion after that..... the designer can't pronounce Louie Vuitton properly and thinks that pork is from pig, and ham is from hamster......... I'm sure he/she thinks 'ceasar salad' was invented by Julius Ceasar. Maybe he/she doesn't even know Julius Ceasar.... or Brutus?? How about BUTO??

Can't blame them........ but who to blame for all these confusions. Maybe its just me, with the corrupted mind.


Don't be offended by what I wrote. Maybe its tru, maybe its just a fiction of my imagination. Either way, you're gonna keep reading and wanting more........ its cancerous!


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